Saturday, September 12, 2009

Crafts, Crafts, and more Crafts!

So my life has been taken over by crafts this week! I never thought I would actually say this, but I am kind of sick of going to Hobby Lobby! (that's really nuts because I am an absolute ADDICT) But it's true. I have been there like twice a day EVERY day this week. Ridiculous. I am on the Enrichment committee at church and I am in charge of our SUPER SATURDAY next month and I had to have my examples ready for tomorrow. It has been a ton of work, but I am really excited! But before I show you how cute they turned out I have a picture of my buddy and I, he is my little helper and has put up with all my craziness this week, he's the best! Then I have some pictures of some Furniture Face lifts I did. Here you go..

So I bought this hutch for 50 bucks at the Goodwill and gave it a nice little face lift a few weeks ago! I think it turned out pretty cute. It didnt have any front doors on it so I put in chicken wire. Now I just have to get it DECORATED! Dang it, hate when I have to do more decorating :) It's going in my front room that we are just getting around to furnishing. When I get it all done I will post some pics! (Thanks to my hubby for doing the chicken wire & Bree for helping me paint the beast)

Then I had this mirror hanging in my entry way and I hated it. To modern for my liking. So I bought a can of crackle spray paint (my new best friend) and gave it some nice coats.. and tah da.. LOVE it! I feel a lot more crackle projects coming on!

Now here are our cute SUPER SATURDAY crafts! I wish I could say I thought of them all on my own, but I didn't! Thanks to the wonderful fellow bloggers out there who gave me the ideas..

Year around Calender
Autumn Sign
Future Missionary Board

Halloween Glass Block

Now to all my ward sisters, sign up!! Its going to be fun!

Oh and PS.. I had lots of compliments on my hair last post.. Thank You!! But a lot asked where I got it done and I never responded. I got it done at ORANGE salon in Gilbert, Kim J did it and she really is phenomenal.


Brooke said...

You have worked so hard!! I am impressed that you got it all done. You are amazing!! Dax is a little trooper. You forgot to mention that Austin was out of town for most of it. I am excited to make all of them!!

Our Family said...

I love the hutch !! The color of it is so great ! I cant wait to see it when I get back! You did an awesome job!! Have fun at super SAT! P.S your hair is so so cute curly !!! I love it

Michele said...

We are going to have to start calling you "Martha"! Who would of thought my little Barney loving Ashie would grow up into such grat wife and mom? You go girl! Good luck @ Super Saturday:)

The Bottjer Family said...

So cute. LOVE THE HUTCH! I'm soooo jealous! I've wanted a hutch forever. Your projects turned out darling. It sounds like Super Saturday is going to be fun this year. When are you having it?

Emily said...

love the crafts and furniture changes!!! so cute!

Leesa said...

remind me again of WHY you dont live here?? i wish you could teach me these tricks!! SO SO SO cute!!

ashley wright said...

that hutch is great!!! i want to see it in your house!!!

your crafts are going to be awesome... uh, havent seen anything like that in Nebraska... EVER. man, i miss these cute things in az :)

T+C=N said...

umm can i sign up for your ward craft day? Please?

Eve and Tim DeLoach x2 said...

You've turned into such a craft queen! let me know if you need help with the crafts. Id be happy to help. Luv ya

The Turner Family said...

I love your crafts! What thrift store to you shop at? I need to go there too!