This last week I bought Dax a old School kitchen set off craigslist (the exact same one I grew up with actually) and he loves it. He cooks me food all day long
This vacuum has been the best $1 I have ever spent!( Hit up some garage sells and scored on some toys) He has to take it everywhere!! In the car, to the park, in bed. Saying he LOVES it is an understatement. He doesn't stop vacuuming!
We also got a Dr. set and he puts the stethoscope up to your heart and says "beep beep" beep beep" "beep beep" Dad taught him
He also loves to blow dry his hair like mommy. Not so good at that yet..
But he is going to make some woman very happy one day, a Dr. that loves to cook, clean, and is in touch with his feminine side! We can only hope right :)
He also has something to tell you......
Yes its true, we are having BABY #2!! We are 2 1/2 months along and VERY excited!
So I have had an excuse for not blogging these last 2 months! I have been sick since the week before we got a positive test. (Although I didn't need those 2 pink lines to tell me I was pregnant, I knew that nauseous feeling quite well) But, it has been SOOO much better then Dax, I actually have some good days and on the bad ones it doesn't last all day. HUGE change from being sick with Dax 24/7 for the first 4 months. So I will take it! :)
Congrats about baby #2! That is so exciting!!!
ok so he is SERIOUSLY SO FLIPPING CUTE! i cant handle it!! i am so excited that you announced the baby :) your mom told me last week and i couldnt wait for you to post it!! CONGRATS girl! i cant wait to see this little one! you 2 make such cute babies... keep having them FOR SURE!! im glad all is well!
OMG!! Congrats Ash! Im so happy for you guys, Dax is going to be such a great big brother. He is getting so big and he is cuter with every picture i see. It must be something in the QC water everyone is prego!
I LOVE the pictures. Dax looks so dang happy with all of his new toys. You are right, he is going to make a women happy someday. Hope you are feeling well!! Keep teaching that kid to love vacuuming.
Cute way to announce it! Finally!!!!
i am glad you are starting to feel better. See ya soon
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! That is very exciting. And Dax is so stinkin cute! Those pictures are adorable.
Yea for more babies!
Hopefully Dax will continue on that road and he'll be best husband ever!
I'm glad you aren't as sick! Congrats on the pregnancy! When are you due?
I forgot to tell you the park to hit up. It's Clemyjontri Park in Mclean, Va. Seriously go there it's the coolest park for kids I've ever seen (:
Congratulations on the baby and successfully training your son to one day be the best husband in the world!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's so exciting! Little Dax is WAY too cute, his smile is adorable! Those toys are so fun and he seems to LOVE them!!
I have to admit I was waiting for this news, we hadn't heard from you in a while and then you mentioned you guys were back east, but still I was like hmmm... Congrats, I'm happy for you guys! We would've been just a month behind.
Congrats!! Congrats!! Congrats!! It sounds like Dax is enjoying his summer!! Wish we were there with you!! I'm so happy for you, for baby #2, for all of Dax's fun new toys, AND the totally awesome deals you found on them!!
congrats!!! how exciting! hope you start having more good days! i know how you feel, i am just now starting to feel human again!
OH MY GOODNESS! That is so great you guys! CONGRATULATIONS!! Hope you start feeling better sooooon! Keep us posted!
ps. could Dax get any cuter??? SERIOUSLY!!
love you guys
UM hello Austin? I just realized I spoke with you less than a month and a half ago and you failed to mention that you were having another little one. Once upon a time when we were friends you didn't suck nearly as much as you do right now. You are lucky I am strong enough to look past this, actually I don't look past much these chin gets in the way. (yep I'm fat again, SURPRISE!) Anywho, I am so stoked for both of you. I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I hope its a girl. Ashtyn has already bought a kitchen set and a vacuum for Dax. She is screaming for some femininity in that house. You guys are awesome!Good luck with the pregnancy and selling this summer.
XOXO (yes...hugs and kisses)
congrats! i don't have anything nice to say about kid # 1 when kid # 2 is born... so good luck! but still exciting, i hope you get a girl!
Oh my goodness, congrats! I also wanted to send out an official invite to our house for dinner when you guys are up to it! Best I can tell, we are about 30-45 min from you guys! We need to get together!
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