Our Princess has arrived!

just in case. SOOO I hurried and jumped in the shower (didn't even wash my hair) and threw some stuff in a bag just in case I wasn't coming home and I was out the door. By then I was having contractions about 6 min apart and they were hurting! I jumped in the truck (Austin took my car) and NO gas! I had to go pump gas while having full on contractions! All I could think is, "this in an adventure, don't cry!"So I made it to the Dr's office and I was in pain. Ramona (my amazing midwife) hurried and checked me and I was dilated to a 5.5 and completely effaced. (With Dax I went from a 5 to a 10 in one contraction) so I LOST IT. I thought I was going to have this little girl all alone. She said we needed to get to the hospital right now. She said she would drive me because I couldn't drive myself and the nurse was freaking out saying that it was to big a liability issue, so I said I would just drive myself. (it was only 2 exits away) Ramona agreed but said she would drive right behind me in case I needed to pull over. I called Austin as I was driving to the hospital and said get here NOW that he was probably not going to make it. He informed me that the plane was not available and he and Dax were driving to Las Vegas to catch a flight. I called my mom and she was driving to the airport and was giving me the pep talk that I could do this. That I was a strong woman and that I could do this alone. By the time I got the hospital I was not doing so good and the kicker was having to walk into the ER ALONE carrying my bags and check myself in. Yes everyone was staring and they probably thought I was a teenage mother doing this all alone. I was pretty embarrassed and was emotionally not stable so I said to the man in front of me, (yes there was a line to check in) who kept turning around to stare at me while I breathed through my contractions, VERY loudly so the whole waiting room could hear, "MY HUSBAND IS COMING! HE IS ON A PLANE TO BE HERE WITH ME." haha I can laugh about it now. So I got checked in and taken right to my room and while I was changing I called my amazing friend Brooke who lives super close to the hospital to please come right now. And my mom had called my cousins (my only family in AZ) to come. They both made it there in record speed and got there just as I was getting my epidural. Brooke held my hand as I got the magic shot. I started to calm down after that and I had gotten my emotions under control (put my big girl panties on) and said I could do this. I also got a blessing from Brooke's husband Spencer and I just knew everything was going to be ok. So they checked me at about 10 am and I was dilated to an 8. So they decided not to check me again and as long as I didn't need to feel the urge to push they would let me be, and try to wait for Austin and my mom. My moms flight got in at 11:30 (THANK YOU my amazing friend JEN for picking her up and getting her there) and Austin's at 1:30. Well lets just say it was A PURE MIRACLE and answered prayers because they both made it! Austin pulled into the hospital parking lot as my water broke and was dilated to a 10. He walked in the door at 2 and she was born at 2:24! The birth went amazing and everything was perfect. I didn't even need a pain pill or an ice pack my whole recovery! She is just beautiful and we are so happy. Here are some pics of the amazing day...
My amazing support group who got me through till my hubby arrived
My mom and I
I don't think I have ever been so excited to see him!
Puckering up at daddy
Holding on to daddy
Our first family pic of 4
1 week old

Congrats! I'm glad everybody made it. I love love LOVE the name. So cute! And she is adorable! How fun to have a girl.
OH MY GOSH!! i can't believe what all happend! i am dying! congrats!
Wow! What a story! I'm glad you all are doing well!
That's an amazing story! Congrats on your little girl shes darling.
Oh, I am so glad that you documented the whole story. It really was such a miracle, and she is such a blessing. I can't wait to see her again. Love you!!
so glad austin made it! i almost cried reading this cause I thought he was not going to be there! i cant imagine! you go girl! congrats!!
That is a crazy awesome story! I am so glad everyone made it! Thank goodness for friends close to the hospital:) Congrats! She is beautiful!! I can't wait to meet her this week:)
I love her!!! You are so awesome...I cried for you that day and I'm so glad Austin made it. You were so strong! I need to see her again. Love you guys!
I cried through that whole story. Im so glad everyone made it and you didnt do it alone. Tender mercies. She is beautiful and I love her name. I love unique names!!!
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad Austin made it! I can't imagine doing all that alone at first- you are amazing!! And she is beautiful! Merry Christmas!
Nice Side and a good Story :)
Greetings from Germany, Berlin
What a beautiful family and a beautiful story (glad it had a happy ending!) it made me tear up a lil bit! Beautiful photography, too. Congrats!
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