Dax and I flew to San Diego this week to see Austin. It was SO GREAT! It seemed like it took so long to come then of course went so fast! But it was so great to be all together again. Dax just loves his daddy and Austin just missed him so much, it was so cute to see them together again. We had nice weather at the beginning of our trip for a few days, then it rained the rest of the week. Oh well we didn't fly down for the beach we went to see our daddy and we soaked up every second we got of him! Went to lunch lots of days and just played! Why he was working we hung out with my sissy in law Bree and we had a blast. We went to Golden Spoon EVERY day I was there. (They have this new flavor right now, island coconut and I got that with milk chocolate.... HEAVEN! Have to try it) We made some really cute skirts, of course didn't get any pictures of them but you can check them out on Bree's blog! :)

Handsome boys!

Uncle Bryce and Aus sure caught a cute one!
My mom and Brynn picked us up from the Airport and it was the CUTEST thing in the world when these two saw each other. They hugged and were laughing and were so happy. They just LOVE each other. Then they held hands ALL the way home! Too cute
Now Rewind to 2 weeks ago....I have been so
CRAZY since I got to Utah. Apparently when you have lots of kids May is the busiest time of year. Even more so than December (according to the mom that chatted me up while I worked the school bake sale) So I arrived smack in the middle of May and got all the craziness of it!! But my mom is doing it alone and I don't know how she does it alone because we were both were running from sun up to sun down.. carpooling, baseball game, soccer game, carpooling, baking, school carnival,carpooling, dance recitals, softball games... I could go on. I am just glad I was here to help but holy moly I don't know if I am ever going to be ready to have 5 children!! Here are some pics from our crazy 2 weeks...

School carnival- Bryn babysitting Dax while I worked the bake sale

Seriously where is this kids mother?

We did get a day to hang out with my cute sis Alexis

Hanging out with Grandpa at Lexis softball game
And through this craziness of the last 3 weeks this has been my sweet boy....

Thanks to his 2 top teeth coming in. I love teething time.